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Thank you for your interest in being a donator!
At this current time, only donations directly towards hosting equipment will be accepted. Any amounts received go directly to the upkeep of the network, and do not ever touch a personal bank account. PayPal, Bitcoin, Other Cryptocurrencies, Ca$hApp, Zelle and similar cash share platforms are not accepted. Please note that all donations are non-refundable. By donating, in return you will receive the satisfaction of having supported a cause, as well as promised word that the network will remain in operation so long as it has the funds and means to do so.
To proceed, please select a donation amount, and you will be directed to NFOservers Donation System where you can complete your donation.
Humbly, thank you!

Donate $5.00 USD

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Donate $175.00 USD

Donate $200.00 USD

Donate $5-$300 (Custom) USD

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All Trademarks Copyright Their Respectful Owners
